Why the Future of Banking is Decentralized

Have you ever wondered why banks still exist and how they make money? The modern banking system is an anomaly within capitalism. However, the very nature of banking has the potential to change as it evolves drastically. Banks are unnatural, making today’s financial system fraught with systemic risk. Systemic risk threatens the financial system because it causes a meltdown in the rest of the economy, causing other banks to fail.

The next big conversation in payment systems is around tokenization and digital currency. Payment channels, such as Bitcoin and others, have already proven disruptive in most people’s daily lives. You already find it easier to exchange currency digitally than with cash.

The Problem With Centralized Banking

The traditional banking system is centralized. It’s controlled by the government and operated by private companies. Everything is stored in one place, making it easier to steal your money or freeze your account if they suspect you’re doing anything illegal.

Centralized systems are also vulnerable to hacking attacks because all your information is stored in one place. If someone compromises the security of this one location, they can access all of your data at once — including information about your finances and personal life.

Finally, centralized systems are inefficient because they require a lot of people to work together to process transactions. Sometimes, it can take days or weeks for an international transaction to be processed completely.

A Solution to Centralized Banking

The banking industry is one of the largest in the world and is growing. Banking services are used by billions of people every day around the world, and there’s no sign of that slowing down. However, what if there was a better way to the bank? What if you could manage your finances without having to deal with banks?

This is what blockchain technology enables us to do. The way we bank today has been around for hundreds of years, and it has changed very little since its inception. The problem with centralized banking is that it requires trust in third parties. This creates an environment where we need to entrust our money to someone else. This creates risk for both sides: banks can lose money or be hacked and customers can become victims of identity theft or fraud if their personal information is leaked from these institutions.

Blockchain technology offers a solution. It creates decentralized platforms that allow users to store their information and transact directly without having to trust anyone else. We can eliminate this risk while reducing costs substantially. Blockchain is a public ledger of all transactions that have ever taken place on the network. This makes it impossible for anyone to spend or move coins without your consent because you have full control over your private keys.

Why decentralized banking?


When opening a bank account or credit card, you must provide personal information. You can use your ID, but your address, phone number, and family members can be requested. If you want to send money to someone who lives in another country, you must also provide their address. This means that banks have access to many personal data about their customers. They can also use this information for marketing purposes or sell it to third parties.

Privacy is one of the main reasons why people are looking for alternatives to traditional banking systems. Decentralized banking offers more privacy because it doesn’t require you to share any personal data with anyone except the payment receiver, who will only receive an encrypted address.

No More Fees!

You probably know that your bank charges you fees, from checking and savings accounts to debit card purchases and ATM withdrawals. But did you know that your bank receives kickbacks from third-party companies for referring customers to them? And did you know that your bank earns interest on the money in your account? Fees and kickbacks are two ways banks make money off their customers.

A decentralized banking system does not need to pay fees or earn interest on customer deposits. A decentralized banking system will pay you interest on whatever funds you keep!

The Control Over Your Money

With traditional banks, you don’t have control over your money. This means that you can’t send it anywhere you want, and you can’t use it as you see fit. You must also wait for the bank to process transactions and change your account. With decentralized banking, you’re in charge of your money. You can send it to anyone in the world instantly and without fees. You can also make changes to your account using a smartphone app or website portal.

No Third Parties

And yet another benefit of decentralization is that there are no third parties involved when it comes to sending or receiving money. There’s no need for banks or other financial institutions to process transactions — everything happens automatically through smart contracts on an immutable blockchain ledger. This means you don’t have to pay fees for every transaction made with your digital currency. It also means there’s no chance of identity theft or fraud because no one has access to your account except for yourself.

A New Level of Security

Decentralized banking is a new model for secure, transparent, affordable financial services. It’s built on blockchain technology and features a decentralized database that is impossible to hack.

The decentralized database is protected by cryptographic keys and is not controlled by any single entity. This means that users do not need to trust any service provider, but they can still securely access their money when they want it. In addition to the security benefits, decentralized banking also allows users to earn interest on their crypto assets through the power of compound interest.


The world is changing, and we’re seeing that change happening in the banking industry. Decentralized currencies aren’t going away anytime soon—they’ve changed too many industries for that to happen. So if you’re looking for a way to get involved in the digital currency industry and want to ensure your future financial success, then full-scale decentralization might be the right approach.